Supreme commander 2 pc gamer review
Supreme commander 2 pc gamer review

supreme commander 2 pc gamer review

It's something about saving the world, protecting civilians and all that jazz, but it's hard to keep up when people throw futuristic-sounding acronyms around as if I should understand them. The baddies surely represent unused talent from the Gears of War series.

supreme commander 2 pc gamer review

Here in Supreme Commander 2, his drawl is a little lost in a sea of grunting testosterone. Finding him here amongst Supreme Commander's strategy is a little odd. I typically associate him with narrative-driven games that require a talented, endearing male vocal. Uncharted fans may recognize this actor as Nathan Drake, but North has actually appeared in roughly a trillion video games including the likes of Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, and the recently released Alpha Protocol. That and the fact I am caught in a stranglehold of bemusement at the appearance of Nolan North make me play on. To its credit it keeps me playing through to Sunday morning. I inexplicably decide now is the time to boot up Supreme Commander 2 and give it what remains of my flickering attention. After a few strawberry ciders with a good friend at the local pizzeria my girlfriend and I drift home a little world weary from the fourth cider. The irony is that I actually spent more of my childhood outdoors than I do now.īut now Summers bring with them the re-emergence of boozy evenings. While it may have been the hottest day on record, the elf princess would not save herself. Real Time Strategies have to be really streamlined to fit the bill.Īs a kid, I was happy to while away summer hours playing games. Supreme Commander 2 has good RTS ideas, but having lost too much time to stressful university life, I have to be picky about which games I'm prepared to get sucked into.

Supreme commander 2 pc gamer review